Since the reconvening of ICN schools in 2021, ICN has been focusing on the following activities for teachers:

Online PD for Teachers
ICN teachers have the opportunity throughout the year to gather online and learn from each other on pre-determined topics in the format of a webinar. Topics have typically focused around on curriculum planning, assessment and classroom practice for bilingual programs. The webinars are usually delivered by experienced teachers from ICN schools.
The 2024 PD calendar can be viewed here.
Buddy Program
ICN teachers can apply to be connected to another ICN teacher for additional and mutual support in their bilingual teaching journey.
Teachers meet regularly to discuss both the successes and challenges they are facing in the classroom, and they exchange ideas on how they could assist one and other in overcoming the challenges.
The 2024 Buddy Program calendar can be viewed here.

Mutual Visits
ICN teachers are encouraged to contact each other and conduct mutual visits to source inspirations from each other's classrooms. Ideas may include shadowing, class observations, inviting experienced teachers to conduct school-based PDs etc. Many schools reach out to each other with PD ideas that are strongly supported by school leadership.
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Annual Conference / Workshop Day
Each year, the ICN hosts a face-to-face event at one of the ICN schools. Not only is the ICN Conference / Workshop Day a great networking opportunity for like-minded bilingual educators, it is also the most direct way for prospective teachers and international educators and academics to understand the state of Chinese-English bilingual education in Australia. Our conference always features classroom observations, inspiring presentations and workshops with a strong PD focus.
In 2024, the ICN will host a full-day Workshop at Abbotsford Primary School in Melbourne, Australia.