While the ICN represents all Chinese-English bilingual schools in Australia, we understand that we are only a small group of just over 10 schools and thus appreciate the importance of global engagement to broaden the learning opportunities for our schools and teachers. Since 2023, we have begun to connect actively worldwide via various formats, including:
Academic / PD Presentations
The ICN has been invited to present on the topics of bilingual education in Australia and Chinese-English bilingual education in many countries around the world.
Recent presentations include:
Outgoing and Incoming Exchanges and Visits
The ICN has been connecting with like-minded Chinese bilingual schools around the world. Where possible, we have visited and hosted schools to promote student-to-student exchanges and teacher-to-teacher exchanges.
Some recent examples include:
We also encourage schools to connect virtually. There have been many success stories, with some ICN schools partnering with as many as 6 different schools around the world.
If you are from outside of Australia and are interested in connecting with the ICN or ICN schools, feel free to get in touch!
© Intensive Chinese Network